Decrypting More Dropbox Files: config.dbx

Decrypting More Dropbox Files: config.dbx: Back in March of this year we released a free tool to decrypt the Dropbox filecache.dbx file which stores information about the files in a user’s Dropbox repository (for more details read the blog post, and the Part 2 post). Paul Henry (Website:, twitter: @phenrycissp) is a SANS instructor and the lead author and teacher of the FOR559 course, Cloud Forensics & Incident Response. In one of our discussions Paul mentioned the potential value of the config.dbx file, so we started looking into the possibility of decrypting that file as well. I’m pleased to announce that we’ve now updated the free Dropbox Decryptor tool to also decrypt the config.dbx file. I’ll detail how to use the new tool further down in this post, but first, since you may be wondering what’s in the config.dbx file, especially since it’s encrypted, let’s look at the information you can find in it.